Our Family Scrapbook

We’re puzzled!

I have always enjoyed jigsaw puzzles. I remember one Saturday evening when I was sixteen years old, my dad challenged me to assemble a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle before bedtime. As I think back now, it was a clever way to keep me in on a Saturday night. Anyway, I did the puzzle before bed. Dad was proud, and I have been a puzzle-lover ever since. (The photo to the left is a Charles Wysocki painting).

Last summer, I discovered Eric Dowdle’s puzzles. Eric is a talented artist who travels the world sketching interesting sights, tourist spots, and scenery. When he returns home, he paints pictures from his sketches and then has them made into puzzles. My husband, Peter, and I fell in love with his work and began to make his puzzles. Other puzzles we love are those by Charles Wysocki, Ravensburger, and Buffalo Games.

We worked on one 1000-piece puzzle every week over the fall and winter, using a systematic approach developed by Peter. Now that spring is here, we’ve slowed down a bit and are spending more time outdoors.

When we finish a puzzle, we take photos of it, pop it into a plastic zip bag, put it back in its box, and pass it on to another puzzle lover. (The Puzzle to the right is an Eric Dowdle painting. His puzzles are the most challenging we’ve ever encountered.)

I will make all our puzzle photos available on Pinterest, so you can click the link to see them.

Try just one puzzle and there’s a good chance you’ll get hooked!


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