Mom and Dad
While the photo may be blurry, my memories of my mom and dad are crystal clear.
I’ve discovered that it doesn’t matter how old you are when they leave this earth, you still feel like a child when you think of them.
Dad and I were very close. He passed away at the young age of 67 from multimyeloma cancer. My heart broke the day he told me about the diagnosis; he was only 61.
I spent a great deal of time with him through his last years, and I’m so glad I had that time with him. We had many long chats about his years as a kid living with his mom, dad and seven brothers and sisters. They were good talks.
Dad (left) at the medical conference.
Mom and Dad in Florida at a medical conference. Dad was demonstrating the cobalt machine that he had worked on at Atomic Energy.
A winter’s day didn’t stop their smiles.